Bird Control Solutions

Some people are surprised to hear that bird control accounts for nearly 10% of our annual revenue. People don’t think of most birds as a pest; and most species aren’t. But certain species are very problematic in structures and on-premises.
Bird Control in your Home
Woodpeckers are extremely destructive to wood sidings, log home, and even stucco sided structures. Woodpecker control is very difficult. They cannot be killed without a DNR permit. The best control is often to modify the damaged area to make it less attractive.
English sparrows, starlings, and pigeons are all invasive species and all like the shelter of buildings and manmade structures. While their presence may not cause a problem, their excessive droppings and nesting materials are extremely problematic. The droppings of these birds are loaded with bacteria and disease organisms. These droppings build up on floors we walk, things we touch, and the air we breathe. While dirty surfaces are a part of the world we live in, excessive exposure is asking for trouble. Cleaning up bird droppings is important but doesn’t do much good until you resolve the bird problem. Common bird issues we see include:
• Accumulated nest materials in attics, vents, soffits & wall voids. This nesting material typically breeds bird mites which often infest the home as a biting invisible “rush”. They actually look like house dust on most surfaces, but can actually be seen moving! The nest material also becomes a fire hazard in various ways.
• Bird droppings are very acidic. These droppings on painted surfaces of cars and equipment will permanently etch the paint.
• Birds living on a farm need food and water. Their droppings, therefore, end up in livestock feed mangers and watering troughs, to be ingested by the animals. One flock of salmonella infected starlings will typically contaminate the milk of every farm in a 3-5-mile radius.
• Sparrows and starlings nest in hollow places. These nests are responsible for fires in farm equipment when built-in exhaust pipes, engine compartments, and equipment housing.
• Pigeons are possibly the dirtiest of all invasive birds. Their droppings have been responsible for contaminated food recalls legionnaires disease in building HVAC systems and histoplasmosis illnesses from exposure.
The most impressive stat about pigeons is their reproductive capability. They will lay eggs year-round and, in the nest, before they weaned the most recent new fledglings!
For professional advice to solve your bird problem, give us a call or message us online at Buckeye Exterminating.