Stored Product Pests

There are many insects that become a problem in homes because they have found a food source in our cupboards or closets. Most of these pests are larva that develop into moths & beetles. Occasionally some mite species can infest rancid products.
Typically, these food sources are old, outdated food ingredients that are no longer consumable. The key to controlling those pests is to locate the food source or sources and eliminate it. The most common sources are flour, cake mixes, oatmeal, cornmeal, and similar dried foods from a grain base. Less common sources may include dries fruits, dry beans, dried peppers, spices, popcorn, rice, seeds, and dry pet foods. Some non-food products that you may not think of are D-con rat bait, Rid-X drain cleaner, wall sizing, birdseed, grass seed, and natural flower arrangements. These items contain digestible foods for these pests. Some of these insects even feed on tobacco products! There are also insects that feed on keratin food sources. This is an animal-based protein found in taxidermy mounts, animal hides, wool blankets, fur coats, oriental rugs, etc. Many of these pests damage collectibles and museum specimens.
In recent years, many pheromone traps have been developed to provide early detection of most stored product pests. Pheromone lures, however, are species-specific so you can only monitor for pests you suspect may be a problem. In a large food warehouse or processing facility, these monitors are commonly used to detect a problem early, then to pinpoint the location of the source. It may be one pallet in a million square foot warehouse. Sometimes nonresidential insecticide fogs or insect growth regulators can be helpful to control these insects in cases where the sources cannot be readily identified or eliminated. For help to identify stored product pests and their sources, contact the professionals at Buckeye Exterminating. We can help with elimination, prevention or any capacity you wish.